Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

expressive to require from me any further eulogy

I have just learned that the -~;t__yaj_r:y__ QL~ was commanded by colonel Ugarlechea, and the infantry by colonel Mariano Cos, brother of Lhe general, Marlin Perfecto. S. F. Austin ( I 0051 [AUSTIN lo RUSKJ

Head Quarters Mexican Concepcion Oct 28 1835

To Lhe Comandant of the Nacogdoches Volunteers,

I have dispatched lwo men to guide you to where you may join us, al this place - you can safely march in sight of Bejar without going much oul of your way - This will have a good effect, in discouraging the troops of the enemy, giving them an idea that we are rapidly reinforcing - It will be well for they propose lo march in such order as lo make the great display possible. The Dispatch by the S. Felipe Express will inform you of the events of this day- [Addressed: l To Captn. Rusk & Capt. Augustin of the Nacogdoches troops _ on the way (1006 l [AUSTIN ORDER] S. F. Austin Head Quarters Oct 28 '35 The Army is now in presence of the enemy- prompt Obedience to Orders and strict discipline will soon effect the great objects of the Campaign, but without them nothing but disgrace and ruin will be the result. Jt is therefore expressly ordered that any Officer who disobeys orders, shall be immediately arrested and suspended from his Command, until a Court i\larlial decides his case. The Colonel of the Regiment will Circulate this orclt-r without delay lo every offic,~r and Company in his Rcginwnl.

S. F. Austin

By _order Warren D. C. Hall Adjt Genl.

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