their wishes. We have written lo them lo come down here. They are friendly We arc told that Roag the Political [chief J al Nacogdoches has ordered oul the Mexicans in that Quarter in hchalf of Lhe Constitution. [Addressed: j Genl. S. F. Austin Commander in Chief Head Quarters (L0031 [ROY ALL lo MC KINNEY & WILLIAMS]
San Felipe de Austin October 27th 1835.
To Messrs. McKinney & Williams Much esteemed Sir,
In accordance with the accompanying documents you will go as early as possible lo the city of New Orleans, and proceed to the discharge of the duties therein expressed. You will receive for your private instructions to so act, as not lo expose the credit of Texas until you have ascertained by indirect enquiries that your purpose can be effected, and be governed according to circumstances, not exposing the object of your Mission, in relation lo a loan, unless there is a probability of success. You will adopt such course as your good judgement may direct, in the particular method of negotiating the loan, drawing the bonds on other obligations, in such sums as the convenience of the parties may require, executing said bonds or obligations, bearing an interest al the rate of six per cent per annum, payable in installments, varying from four lo fifteen years, which, however, you may be al liberty to use your discretion in the propriety of shortening, except the first payment, as circumstances may indicate. In relation lo the limes of payment of interest, you will, if necessary, contract for its payment in yearly, half yearly or quarterly payments. If you find serious difficulty in effecting a loan lo the full amount, you will accept of so much as you can obtain, forwarding the first amounts lo this council, or the convention if in session. And as soon as your mission is al an end, ship the money you may receive lo Velasco or Quintana.
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