Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

Dimills Letter Printed with Suitable urgent solicitations on the People of Texas lo turn out and Repair lo Camp al head Quarters, and an earnest call upon those who have heen misguided by the designing to remain inactive Informing them that while the Convention is rewarding those who so Bravely defend our cause they will not fail lo Impose upon those who refuse the reqard due their crime We have also taken the Responsability of appointing Mr T. F. l\lcKinney as General Agent lo repair lo N orleans and negotiate (under instructions) for the Loan of S L00,000 We have our fears of the success as we find in N. Orleans, l3ce and the Resolutions of the meeting at Nachitoches urging our declaration of Independence as a necessary step lo the procuring of aid from the Citizens of the U. Stales. Mr McKinneys Instruclions, are lo learn the probable success before his Business is declared ormade public. I hope l\fr McKinney will Accept and If he fails in negotiating a loan he will no doubt be able lo Raise considerable by Contributions as Well as have a tendency to Raise Volunteers al that Place a man has gone below to forward the Large Cannon Ball and Powder I sincerely hope he will succeed. Mr W S. Hall is on the Guadaloupe Raising Beaves, and getting meal. Mr Baird is here collecting as many as 100 If he can in this Quarter. You will properly communicate with Mr Hall as Contractor al Gonzales on the subject of Meal and Beef for the Army - We do not know how the convention will look upon this step of ours to Borrow Money to So Large an amt. but I would ask what will we do shall be wait until we are destitute and have not a dollar to pay an Express and suffer defeat for fear of Creating Responsibilities or should we assume the authority to do all and every thing necessary lo carry the designs of our friend in the field in to Effecl lo Give them Bread Meal Arms, amunition clothing and Reinforcements from abroad we have been already accused of transcending our Powers If we have we have the Conscientious Convictions of having but one Aim lo save texas and Protect our Wives and children complaints from the East made through their delegates slate that Persons are engaged in taking up choice lands lo the Prejudice of those in the field. I have had nothing lo say in the matter myself as an Individual, yet I on reflection approve of the Resolu lion lo suspend all land entries Lill the meeting of the consultation when as we Give assurances in Our resolutions, those who serve in the Army shall l,c provided for on terms perfcctly satisfactorily to

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