We are rejoiced to get such checrirw news of the f)rourcss of I . 0 0 our 111 lc hand, hut sorry we arc that there among us those that would throw ,di possible douht over our information, thus taking from Lhc people that confidence which they ought to possess, in om information, for is there an imperative <lemm1d for more men, how is it possible we can raise them when 110 faith is put in the informalion we may receive? You will be kind enough if you please, to forward us as quickly as possible any doings of the convention interesting to us.
We remain your obcdt, Servls, Saml: Rogers Chr. Com. Joseph R. Pulsifer Secy.
San Felipe de Austin Octr. 27th 1835
Genl. S. F. Austin Dear Sir
By Mr Hufman a member from Nacogdoches I write you the particulars of Information before us al this time mostly contained in a Letter from the Commillee of Nacogdoches, a copy of which I forward you by this conveyance together with Resolutions (you will find in our last Paper) of Citizens of Nachitochcs, at a Genl Public meeting in which you will see a very Liberal Sentiment prevails in the U. States toward us-Our Coreo [mail] from Nacogdoches says the People of the Reel lands Intend to send on more help still and 60 men have also been expected from Bevil Sctllemenl other Reinforcements may also be expected from other Quarters, and from all you will Rcaclyly see you will have nothing to Loose by rcmaing Secure in your Present Position, untill other Reinforcements, shall arrive and 011 the contrary every thing favourable lo our cause may be expected by waiting untill we can make a secure allacl confidently believing that for the next 3 months the longer we delay the easier the conquest on act. of the Genl. Increase of Numbers on our side. We have answered the Citizens of Naehitoches through their Chairman in a very respeclfull manner and Earnestly solicited that Immediate aid so nobly offered we have also through tlw same channels address'<! a feeling ancl exciting appeal to the Citizens of the U. Stales Generally we have had Copies, of Mr
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