[ 1000) !PERRY to AUSTIN)
Peach Point 27th Oct 1835
Dr Brother
We have heard nothing from you or the Boys. onley through the expresses lell Austin and Joel to wrilc to us when have an opportunely as there mother is verry anxious lo hear directly from them. Guy and Ellis have been verry sick but are now both well, the news from Lhe U S. is cheering. I hope t:he sixty five volenlecrs by the Columbus will reach you in time San antonio once taken ancl then I think we have the coast clear and will be ahle to keep it so our anxiety will lie great untill we hear of that place being taken which we hope wilh Lhe protection of Provedencc you will he able to do. aclue may the god of wars protect you James F. Perry [ Rubric I [Addressed:] Genl. S. F. Austin AL Camp
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[ 1001) [ROGERS ET AL to i\llLLARD I
Tevis Bluff Oct. 27th ] 835
i\lajor Henry i\lillard Dear Sir
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It is thought by the committee of safely here, Lhat as vast numbers of Callie amounting lo some thousand are at present under our care belonging to Citizens of the United Stales, and as the present contest we arc engaged in necessarily must he attended with great expense, while those who own property here must participate with us in its bcnefits,-it is no more than reasonable that such owners of properly should in some way or other help us in accomplishing our object If they cannot come themselves, or send men tu help us, we cannot greatly err in soliciting a contrihution or Ir.vying a lax on their properly lo help us 011 in the contest. Captain Rogers, our Chairman wrote some lime since lo ~lajor Hardy Coward of Calcasiu, who has cattle here, fur assislenee l,ut as yet he has rccc:ivr.d no aw;wcr from the letter, and has understood Lhat he inlc!nds not to help us. If such be a general feeling among those who have property here, we cannot cxpccl much from Llu:ir voluntary aid.
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