Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

his change - 110 other chance - I am nol permitted lo leave here - I would be glad to be with you if lhP-rc is a prohal,ilily of your remaining before Bejar any length of lime. I would be glad if you would gel a permit for me lo go lo your camps. (from Gcnl Austin), this you can do as we have busi11ess lo gclhcr- Gcnl Austin ought lo be made acquainted with the situation of affairs here if some persons are nol senl here-who can have no possible inlercsl in this section of country-every particle of provisions taken al this place will he proved lo be private properly some persons ou~hl, I think, lo he scnl lo investigate this maller so soon as Bejar falls-it might he a very great saving lo Texas-we do nol wanl lo sel up for ourselves with a heavy public debt.- I have been on my horse for the last 20 hours night anr day, procuring wagons & leams, to sent lo you-and am now ver) unwell not able lo write as I would wish-

y our Friend Truly &c A.H. Jones

(999) [ KING to BONI-IAi\l]

Mobile Oct 27th 1835

Dear Col.

Since you departure from our City, we have held another meeting in behalf of the Tcxasians. The Gov. Street Church was crowded to overflowing. A general and increasing sympathy exists for noble cause of the constitutional struggle. On i\londay next we propose to ship lo the care & disposal of the New Orleans Comm. from twenty lo fifty Volunteers armed both in spirit & body for War, war lo the knife. Liberal contrilmlions have Leen made in this place, & if money men & ardent wishes can accomplish any thing, Texas will soon he redeemed. Success lo the Cause.

Yours Sincerely Jno. R. Kin·~

[Addressed:] Col. James B. Bonham New Orleans

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