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[997) [FORSYTH to WI-I ITE I
Department of Stale, Washington. October 27, 1836. Sir: The contest which is apparently beginning in a lC'rritory adjoining the United Stales, between parties of the ~lexican empire, and recent publications in the public journals of NC'w Orleans, lead lo an apprehension that al lempts may be made lo violate the laws of the United States, passed lo preserve the relations of amity with foreign Powers, and lo fulfil the obligations of our treaties with them. By the directions of the President, I have the honor to request the allenlion of your excellency lo any movements of that character that may l.,e contemplated in Louisiana, and your prompt interference, and that of the officers of the United States, lo arrest the parties concerned, if any preparations are made of a hostile nature against any foreign Power in amity with the United Stales. I have the honor lo be, sir Your oh eel ien t servant, John Forsyth
His Excellency Edward D. White Governor of the Stale of Louisiana.
[998) [JONES to FANNIN]
Goliad 27th Oct 1835
Majr J. W. Fannin Jr in Camp near Bejar Dear Majr.
Yours of the 21st came to hand a short time since and has been partly attended lo by the wagons you will reecve one wine Box of liquors &c also two small bags sugar & eoffee-the people here arc opposed lo sending anything like provisions privately. I have therefore had lo send you as lilllc as possible!. the articles sent arc p11l up in good order and directed lo J. W. Fannin As regards Southerland I have attended lo him sometime since and I l,clicvc satisfied nearly all-these things are sent under >
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