so far as his power extends, all the obligations of the Government, and Iha! obligation especially that requires that we shall abstain, under every tcmptalion, from inlermeddling with the domestic disputes of other nations: you are therefore earnestly enjoined to be allentive lo all movements of a hostile character, contemplated or allemplcd, within your district, and to prosecute without discrimination all violators of those laws of the United Stales, which have been enacted lo preserve peace with foreign Powers, and lo fulfil the obligations of our treaties with them. I am, sir, your obedient servant, John Forsyth To Henry Carleton, Esq. Attorney of the U.S. for the East. Dist. of Louisiana. [996) [FORSYTH to CASTILLO] Department of State, Washington, October 27, 1835. Thr. undersigned, Secretary of State of the United States, has received and submilled to lhe President the note of Mr. Caslillo, charge d'affaires of the United Mexican Stales, dated the J 7th instant, and the extract from a statement of Lieutenant Ocampo, of the Mexican army, by which it was accompanied, relative lo the affair between the Mexican public armed schooner Correo de Mexico and the United Stales merchant schooner San Felipe. The undersigned has the honor to acquaint Mr. Castillo that the President, impelled by his duty to lake care that the laws of the United Stales are faithfully executed, as well as by a desire to respect the just rights of citizens of the United Mexican Stales, and to preserve the existing amicable relations with them, has directed lhe undersigned to transmit to the allorney of the United Stales for the eastern district of Louisiana, a copy of ~Ir. Castillo's note referred to, and of the papers therein enclosed, and to instruct the allorney to address lo this Department a further report upon the subject, with a view lhat Mr. Castillo's request may be taken into consideration. The undersigned embraces this opportunity lo offer lo ~Ir. Castillo renewed assurances of his high consideration. John Forsyth Senor Don J. M. de Castillo y Lanzas, &c.
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