Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

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means pro,idccl. within a few months bring to Texas from 500 to one I housand of the best and bravest Easi Tennesseans, - I left Athens the 15th July last and have the pledges of men of such character & numbers as can be safelv relied on, and only wail for the call - your wishes will be consiclerecl. when known, a;HI all that can be prudently clone or accomplished may be expected- ] have fixed my residence al this place, my family are in health, and join in salutations and good wishes. Let me hear from you soon. prosperity and success allend you. Verv lrnlv & fralernallv Yours· · · Jae F Foute (992] [FOUTE to HOUSTON] [Jae F. Foute, Clinton, ~lississippi, to Sam Houston, October 27, 1835, introducing William B. Dameron "together with others from this place."]


(993] [COS Lo TORNEL]

Exmo. Sr. Hay traslado al Sr. Comte. pral. de Tamaulipas la Supt. Orn. 22 dcl ppclo. pa. qi. luigo qi. arribe algun Buque degrra. al pucrlo de Matamoros (unico que no esla en pode~ de los sublcvados) recoja y transporle al guarda maypr y Arch1vo de la Aduana de Galveston. Todo lo que lengo el honor de desir a V.E. en conlestacion rcilerandole las scquridades de mi particular aprecio y respeto. Dios y Libertad Bejar Octubre 27 de 1835 Mtn Perflo de Cos Exmo. Sr. i\'linislro de la Guerra y Marina


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