Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2


General Orders

Head Qualers 27th Ocl 1835 The guard will be detaile<l and ordered to parade evry morning al nine o-clock. The Commandant of each company is posilively ordered lo lurn oul the Officers, non Commissioned Officers and men detailed from their respeclive Companies and have them marched lo the place where the guard parades precisely al nine O[clock in the morning, and report them to the Adjutant. The adjutant of the Regiment is positively ordered to parade the guard call the roll and deliver them to the officer of the day precisely at nine O-clock in the morning. He and the officers of the day will then report to lhe Adjulanl General, receive the countersign and instructions He will then post lhe guard accompanied by the officers of the day. I-le wilJ then dismiss the old guard.

S. F. Auslin

By Order Warren D. C. Hall Adjt. and lnspct Gen!

[991] [FOUTE to HOUSTON]

Clinton Mississippi October 27 1835

Genl. Sam Houston- Dear Sir

Since I lasl had the pleasure of seeing you, I have I houirh l much & often of the conversations relalive lo Texas, and future prospecls. I have permitted no occasion to pass unimproved lo secure aid & prepare for a slate of things that I suppose are near al hand - latterly I have anxiously expeclecl inlelligcncc from you but have received none, I hope you will find it convenient lo write me soon & afford me such information relali\'c lo the affairs & prospccls of Texas, as you may deem interesting or uscfull- Should it be necessary or cxpcdic11l, I can, if propl'r inducements can lie offered (& very sli~hl will be sufficil't1l) and


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