Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2


[988] (AUSTIN to BO\VlE]

Head Quarlers Mission Espada October 27Lh, 1835.

Colonel James Bowie,

Volunteer Aid:

You will proceed with Lhe firsl division of Captain Fannin's company and o_~hers altached lo that division and select (he best and mosl secure posilion thal can be had on the river, as near Bejar as practicable to encamp Lhe army tonight, keeping in view in Lhe selection of this position pasturage and the security of the horses, and the army from night attacks of the enemy. You will also reconnoiter, so far as time and circumstances will permit, the situation of the outskirts of the town, and the approaches lo it, whether the houses have been destroyed on the outside, so as to leave every approach exposed to the raking of cannon. You will make your report wilh as little delay as possible, so as lo give lime to the army to march and take up its position before night. Should you be attacked by a large force send an express immediately with the particulars. By order S. F. Austin


P \V Grayson, Aid-de-camp

[989) [AUSTIN to TRAVIS]

Head Quarters Mission Espada Octr. 27, 1835 Lieut. Travis is hereby authorized lo raise a volunteer Company of Cavalry of not less than fifty or more than Eighty men- each man to be armed with a double harrell gun or Yager and brace of pistols. Without the Consent of the Capt. not more than one tenth of his Company shall he permitted to volunteer in the proposed corps By order S F Austin Warren DC Hall Adjt Gcnl


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