Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

tyranny threaten us. Y 011 arc united lo us by all the sacrC'd Lies that can bind one people lo another. You are, many of you, our fathers and brother - among you dwell our sisters and mothers - we are alicnts to you only in country; our principles both moral and political are the same - our interest is one, and we require and ask your aid, and we earnestly appeal to your patriotism and generosity. We invite you lo our country - we have land in abundance, and it shall be liberally bestowed 011 you. We have the finest country on the face of the globe. We invite you lo enjoy il with us, and we pledge lo you, as we are authorized lo do, the lands of Texas and the honor and faith of the people, that every volunteer in our cause shall not only justly but generously be rewarded. The cause of Texas is plainly marked out. She will drive every Mexican soldier beyond her limits, or the people of Texas will leave before San Antonio the bones of their bodies. \Ve will secure on a firm and solid basis our constitutional rights and privileges, or we will leave Texas a howling wilderness. We know that right is on our side, and we are now marching lo the field of battle, reiterating our fathers' motto, "to live free or die." And lo the people of the United Stales of the North we send this assurance, that though numbers may overwhelm us, no other feeling than that of the genuine American glowed in our bosoms, and though danger and destruction await us, no friend of theirs proved recreant lo his country. Done in the council hall on the 26thday of October, 1835 A. Houston, Secretary R. R. Royall, President

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Ejercito de Operaciones. E.Sr.

Por el oficio de V.E. de 23. del actual y copias que me acompana me he enterado con baslanle dis~usto de lo acaecido en la Bahia <lei Espiritu Santo por los Colonos insurrecsionados de Tcjas, lo qual dcbe resullar en detrimento dcl Cobno. Supremo que hacia ascgurar en el pcriodico Oficial 110 halier novedad en aquella parte de la Rcpuhlica, por la fuga de los avcnlureros que hahian sorprcndido cl dcslacamcnlo de Anahuac mandado por el Capitan


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