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To the Citizens of the United Stales of the North.
The general council of all Texas, by a resolution unanimously adopted, have determined lo address you i11 behalf of suffering Texas, and to invoke your assistance. A few plain facts will suffice lo explain lo you the political condition in which we are placed, and lo satisfy you that we are engaged in a contest just and honorable and one which should command universal admiration and sympathy. Our citizens were invited lo settle Texas by a government of a federal republican character, having for its model that of the government of the Uniled States of the North. Under that invitation, and that promise of protection to our lives, persons and properly, thousands emigrated here, and have subdued a vast and extended wilderness lo the purposes of agriculture, and in place of the solitary region inhabited hitherto only by the savage and the beast, now present a country prosperous in the highest degree, with a population varying between six ly and one hundred thousand inhabitants, and having on its whole face inscribed one universal assurance of its future greatness and prosperity. Under this form of government and this invitation, thousands have brought their properly to this country, and invested thousands upon thousands of dollars in land. They have expatriated themselves from their native country, torn themselves from connexions ciear, given up the conveniences and luxuries of life, and encountered for years back toils and dangers and privations of every sort. They have given security to the Mexican frontiers from Indian depredations, and made the mountains the boundary of the savage. And now, when we have accomplished all this, when we had just fairly established ourselves in peace and plenty, just brought around us our families and friends, the form of government under which we had been born and educated, and the one only lo which we would have sworn allegiance, is destroyed by the usurper, Santa Anna, and a military central government cslahlishcd in its stead. To this new form of government the people of Texas have
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