Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

Uncle is heller this morning than he has been for several

days although slightly salivated

M.A. Bryan

Joel is well [Addressed:] Mr. James F Perry Peach Point To the care of Jno. R. Jones San Felipe de Austin who will please forward this by Lhe firsl opportunity-

[983] [COS to TORN ELI Exmo. Sr.

Por la nota Supr. de VE. 22. del pasado me he impuesto de la orn. que Lubo pr. eonveniente librar pa. el regreso del Batallon Morelos a Sn. Luis Potosi, cuya providcncia ftte dictado sin duda a11les que esa Superioridad estubiese informado de la sublehacion de las Colonias de estos Departamtos. Por esla razon y de pr. que no cucnto con las fuerzas que Lanto mecesito pa. reducir a lso Colonos, some tengo ya informado a VE. con anterioridad, no <ludo que se sirvira disponer de qe. esle Cuerpo vuelva immediatento. a estos Estados <londe sion neccsarios sus servicios. Dios y Libertad Bejar Octubre 26. de 1835 Mtin. Perf. to de Cos_ Exmo. Sr. Ministro de la Guerra y Mexina, Mejico


Brazoria Oct 26th 1835


I ·I I

Messers Royal and Borden Gentlemen

Yours orders by Mr. Wm H. Smith has been executed and he will Give You the particulars we have a large long 18 pounder which will be started out in a few days. a 12 pounder is here on the way let me beg you will not foil as Early as possible To authorize Vessels lo Cruise on the Coasl This done Every port 011 the Gulf Can be Blockaded in six weeks and Then all could safely leave to Join Lhe army by land Your in Much haste McKinney and Williams A True Copy-Lhc above will be allendccl lo this day- R. R. Royall


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