Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

(979) [AUSTIN to MOORE]

Camp Selado 26th October 183!'> A company of horse will be organized by Col. Moore to be formed by those who have double barrel shot guns and pistols.

S. F. Austin Commr. in Chief.

To Col. John 1-1. Moore By Order W. D. C. Hall

Adjutant and Insplr. Genl.


Clinton Oct 26 1835

My dear General

1 introduce to you my friend Mr William B Dameron, of the Clinton platoon for the patriot army of Texas. He is a gentleman of the first standing with us - intelligent chivalric generous - & indeed his abilities and capacities are just such as you will instantly appreciate. You need not hesitate in bestowing upon him your kindness & confidence - In the moment of peril I wish lo learn that he & Shelby shall be near lo yourself-

In haste - as ever - A. Hutchinson

[to Sam Houston)


Camp Selado Octr 26 1835 The troops who are coming on will lurn off the road al the Sivolo and march to the Mission of Espada below Bexar. Orders ·have been given to· blaize out a way for this purpose-a guard has heen detailed al Civolo, lo direct those who come on. They Should leave the Civolo in bodies and organized and kt'cp their horses secure al night, and a strict guard. The officer will ~end on an Express, when he gels near the Missions lo inform me of the


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