[976) (ROYALL lo AUSTIN]
San Felipe 25th Octr 1835 i oclock A. M.
Gent Austin
i\ly health is Very Bad I have had an Interview With Mr Borden and the more we Lalk of the Large Cannon the more we feel the necessity of forwarding them as Ordered. Doctr Hoxey having mel Persons who discouraged the Project turnd his course and went above lo endeavor to Raise a Company of Volunteers. Mr Borden has concluded that he will try lo get some person capable to Go below and Carry the Canon on trucks. If Large wheels, cannot be had, and probably Mr Borden will Go himself If Pettus does not Return today (he being absent) Mr Borden thinks he can Lake the canon there in two weeks, I will write you the progress by the next opportunity. R.R. Royall N B you must know it will take more than 2 weeks to Get the Cannon to you We Recd a letter from Mr ~lcKinney, at Quintana offering every facility in his Power and Stating that the San Felipe was in sight with Arms, amunition and Provisions
[977) (ROYALL to AUSTIN]
San Felipe 25th October 1835
Gent Austin
Your letter by Doclr Hoxey came to hand everning before last and on yesterday Mr Smith of Tenoxticlan left to take charge of a Wagon of the Articles Wanting from Columbia I have wrillen lo Mess. Bell and Knight of Columbia Messrs i\lills, and Andrews of Brazoria and McK and Williams of Quintana requesting their assistance in forwarding on Mr. Smiths views. at Doclr Hoxcys Request we ordered 300 Blankets 300 pr strong shoes, l Bale Heavy Lowell Cotton for Tents, 500 soap in Boxes 250 lb Good Tobacco and the Large cannon Ball and Power with them If mounted lf nol lo Gel them mounted as t!arly as pussible- Doct Hoxey met several Gentlemen who w1·rt~ lkllt·r
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