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surrendered lo the military of Le Panticlan, put in irons, and compelled lo work on the Garrison. We arc informed also, that, the population of San Patricio, have almost unanimously joined the mililary. The supplies spoken of above, will be forwarded to the Ranchc of Don Erasmo Seguin, about 10 leagues below I3exar, under the safe conduct of Maj. George Southerland, with 20 men. You can therefore, make such arrangements for their lTansportation thence lo Head Quarters, as you shall deem most advisable. By Maj. Southerland, I will write you again. It will be impossible for us lo supply Don Juan Seguin with arms-We could furnish powder, also small shot, which may be run into bullets-and we can send him as much subsistence as he will probably need. Zenlena is al Le Panteclan, and writes to me, that, he intends establishing the Custom House al that point. I doubt his fidelity. P. Dimitt Comg. (Addressed:] To Gen. Stephen F. Austin Com. in Chief of the Army of the people. Head Quarters.
[974] [HARDY to HUFF J
Recd from Geo. Huff Five dollars for the hire of two Yoke of Oxen engaged in ,transporting the artillery from the Colorado near Bcasons here. Thompson's 25th Oct 1835 William Hardy Attest: Geo. W. Poe
!Angel Navarro, Bexar, lo Commandant, Bexar, October 25, 1835, lransmittinu evidence in the case of Zeferino Ruiz, who left Bexar C,· without a p~sj>0rl and returned with one from LIH~ leaders of the rcvol l. J
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