Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

7.- Establish a provisional Express Deparlmenl- 8 Organize Lhe mililia and appoinl a Commander in chief 9.- Raise 300 infantry and 150 Cavalry and a Corps of


Artillery as regular Troops-


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Clinton Miss. October 25th 1835

Gen. S. Houston Dear Sir

Permil one of your old friends in Ten. lo recommend to your special acquainlance and favor my very particular friend Mr. D. Shelby, who visits Texas to aid and assisl in your struggles for the clearest boon on earth - Independence.

Yours Respectfully J. Hamilton

[972] [AUSTIN to HOXEY]

Head Quarters Camp Salado Octr 25 1835 Dr. Asa Hoxey is hereby released from·the order to attend in person to bringing out the Cannon etc and he is authorized to appoint another in his place so that he can attend the General Consultation of which he is a member.

S. F. Austin Comr. in chief

[973] [DIMITT to AUSTIN j

Port of Goliad, Oct, 25 '35 8 oClock in the evening.

To Gen Stephen F. Austin, Com. in ch. of the Army of the People- Dear Sir

Yours of the 21 l. inst., a postscript to that of Padillo of the same dale-yours also of the 22d and 23d. instants, and recd. at 4 oClock lo day, arc duly noted. The supplies which you call for shall be forwarded

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