Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2


Camp Salado Oct 25. 1835 I am fixed here during the war my health is very bad-my spmls good- lhe members return lo hold the consullalion- If there has been loo much precipilalion heretofore, it ought lo be a lesson lo avoid Lhal error in fu lure-, The inclosed is a memorandum of Lhe full cxlcnl lo which I think the consultation ought lo go-any thing beyond this, like forming a new constilulion etc. would do harm and probably produce a great confusion-the consultation ought lo do as lillle as can be gollen along with, al present This is my opinion I wish you lo show the inclosed memorandum lo Zavala and this note- s. F. Austin [Memorandum] Isl. A Declaration confirming the pronouncements made by the people at their Municipal .Meetings lo sustain Lhe Federal ConstiLu lion of l 824 and the Federal system which the Army of Texas are now defending- 2nd. To declare Texas a Stale of the i\lexican Federation, in consequence of lhe dissolution of Lhe Conslilulional Government of Coahuila and Texas, by Military intervenlion- 3rd. Declare that a provisional local Government be organized for the Slate of Texas, under Lhe Conslilulional Law of 7 May 1824 and appoint a provisional Governor and Lieut. Governor. 4- Declare Lhe existing laws and Constitution of the Stale of Coahuila and Texas lo be provisionally in force, with such exceptions as may be deemed proper until a Constitution is formed. 5- Pledge Lhe faith of the Stale to raise funds and Means, arms and men lo sustain the War in defense of the Constitution and Federal system 6- Secure the Lands and in lerests of the Indians, and declare all fraudulent and illegal sales or grants of Land made by the Stale Government of Coahuila and Texas, since April l833 to hr. Null and void-




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