change the ground on which their opposilion was predicated. The Commillee are free lo declare that they too were advocates for peace, while peace was practicable on terms compatible with the welfare, the honor and the future Safety of Texas and of the constitutions which we have all sworn to support and obey. But the hope of such a peace has departed wilhout leaving a single ray of light lo direct the most credulous in the furlher indulgence of it. We therefore call upon all such lo abandon an opposition founded upon principles which however commendable have now no applica- tion to the circumstances of the country. The federal constitution and the constitution of our state, and of our sister slates have been violently destroyed and the actual powers of the government are usurped by the military who are exercising them with the wonted cruelty and the recklessness of the rights of citizens, that has always characterised the despotism of the sword. - Of those of our fellow-citizens who regard the sanctity of their oath of alligiance and allege it as a reason for opposing their countrymen now in arms, we would enquire, what is the obl(gation of that oath? It is certainly to support the federal and state constitutions. But where are those constitutions? They have been torn and rent to atoms and their scallered fragments are to be traced in the lines of blood beneath the tramplings of the usurpers cavalry; on the plain of Zacatecas. Texas is but pursuing the noble but unsucessfull example of that highminded State. She has resolved to sustain a legitimate government or perish in the effort to oppose the tide of military and eclcssiastical usurpation and roll il back upon the unholy league, and she looks with confidence for the aid of her adjacent sister states who have already experienced the billerness of military misrule. For this purpose the sword is already drawn, our fellow-citizens are in the field, the banner of liberty is unfurled and the high example of lawful resistence is exhibited in the gleam of our rifles and the thunder of our cannon before the walls of San Antonio. The Committee would therefore affectionately appeal to their fellow-citizens who arc still holding back from the good work in the language of the holy prophet, "Why hall ye between two opinions? If the constitution be the object of your alegiance then rise up like men and support the constitution. Jf Sanla Ana and his myrmidons be the government you desire, then avow yoursclve,s lhe degraded minions of an unprincipled and barbarous dcspolism. The contest is for liberty or slavery for life or death. It admils of no neutrals. Those who are not for us arc againsl us. Those who refuse
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