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from N Orleans arrived bringing sixty four or five well armed volunteers who have come lo join in the cause of Texas many of them are personaly known and are young men of the highest respectablity & character others have gone up Red River, others will be here by waler in a few days. I am not master of language that can explain my gratitude & feelings lo our friends from the United Stales for the lively interest they take in our welfare Yours truly Thos F McKinney The Steam Boat will take these volunteers up & they will take up their line of march immediately for the Camp McK please have a Box which has been sent through mistake for a Box of muskets spotted & returned it contains patent 13allances & many other articles it is marked .McK & W No 4 & much like a Box of musket McK [968) [ROYALL to JACK]
[R. R. Royall, San Felipe, authorizing him to obtain company of volunteers," Superinlendant.]
to P. H. Jack, October 24, 1835, supplies and guns for "a small and to give his receipt as
The Committee of the Safety for the l\'lunicipality of Liberty, in the exercise of the functions delegated to them, feel it their duty to address their fellow-citizens of the municipality on the present interesting posture of our political affairs. The Committee are sensible that many worthy and patriotic citizens have been opposed on principles which they deemed sound and correct, to a rupture with the authorities of Mexico. The Committee know how to appreciate our opposition and the motives from which it proceeds, but they would earnestly solicit such as still adhere to an opposition which may have been innocent and even praiseworthy in it origin, to reconsider the subject and to enqure whether the present situation of the country does not essentially
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