was supporting the principles of the constitution of 1824, and inquiring how our flag would be received. His reply was, "disband you forces, return home peaceably, and then perhaps I will listen lo your petitions, al present I can only regard you as rebels and traitors." We will teach him that we have rights independent of a dictator or military power, and that his haughty reply cannot influence Americans lo compromise their rights. Yours, &c. Josephy Bryan.
[Eca y Musquiz, Leona Vicario, lo Gefe, Bexar, October 24, 1835, instructing him lo aid the military authorities against the colonists.] [967] [MCKINNEY Lo BORDEN AND ROYALLj
Quintara 24 Octa. 1835
Messrs Gale Borden & R. R. Royall San Felipe Gentlemen
I have the pleasure to inform you that we have this eveing completed the mounting on our fort al Velasco a most superior long 18 pounders besides some other small pieces which we have, part of which are in condition for defence. We have a sufficency of amunition to make a very considerable clefence & we now consider ourselves perfectly able lo repel any forces that may come by sea for the purpose of landing here We will in a few clays send a load of supplies to be sent out from Columbia lo the army in addition lo what has already been sent we have received some additional supplies pr the Schooner San Felipe & will continue to forward from Lime to time such as we think will be useful & will be thankfull lo your for instructions what is most needed in camp your obt sevts McKinney & Williams Since writing the forcgoing we have been favoured with the enclosed which we hasten to f orwarcl The Columbus three clays
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