[964) [BOWIE and FANNIN to AUSTIN]
Mission of Espadaa 24 octr 35 Saturday evening 4 oclk P.M
Genl. Austin
By our Courier of this morning I informed you every circumstance to this date- I requested re-inforcements to the amt of fifty men, and suggested our investing the Town above and below, and acting in concert. Being informed of your additional strength I am now emboldened to ask for 150-as we have the Roads to Rio Grande and Misions below to guard, and the small parties necessary to do it effectually, will weaken our force so as to make our position not altogether as safe, at is might be, and can be, when you have such forces above- We have such information, as to apprehend an attack to night from Baragan, as he knows our numbers, and threatened us today-Fow fifty men tonight, and say to us what you wish done, and when we may expect others-and whether we shall take a position near Bexar tomorrow-Should any other officer be chosen to supercede Col Bowie, will you allow (me) (Fannin) to suggest the names of Genl. Huston and col. Hall- Mr Wharton will assign my reasons etc
James Bowie J W Fannin Jr
(Addressed:] Genl. SF Austin Camp Salado
[965) [BRYAN to----]
. San Felipe de Austin, Oct 24. Dear Sir: Knowing that your paper has a very extensive circulation in the United Stales, and believing that many of your readers feel a deep interest in the affairs of Texas at this time, I take the liberty of enclosing for your publication, a circular, containing extracts of a letter from general Austin, from which you will learn that we will have something to do in reducing San Antonio. The forces of the enemy and that of the volunteers are ahout equal in number. General Austin despatched a communication to general De Cos, by a Mexican, slating that he
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