Mission of Espadas, Saturday morning 7. oclk A.M 24th octr 1835
Gent S F Austin
Half an hour since we were attacked by the enimy, who
were rcpulsed,.aftcr a few fires being exchanged
Only a few men were seen-say about fifty-tho, from the dust etc. it is believed 200 or more, were in the company-Dr Archer says that Col. Ugartichea was the commandant, as he plainly saw him, and recognised him-The place is in a good condition, or can be made so in an hour, for defence, and until we know, of the advance of some aid, or what was intended by this feint, we will continue to occupy this station, where we have provisions enough for the army provided means arc supplied to purchase Our forces arc too few to hold it, and devide, so as to do effective service- Will you comnrnnicate with us and inform us what we may rely on- We are decidcly of the opinion, that this is an important post for the army of Texas- Let us know if you have rec our two dispatches by ,Black and Smith, and whether you approve of our movements etc. If you do, and can spare the fifty men-or the 2d Division of the 1st Batalion, fow them, and your orders etc as to the movements etc and what post, to cooperate with yours, we should take- We should have marched in half an hour to the timber, within 3/4 mile of Bexar, and shall yet do so, when we hear from you- Please advise us as to provisions etc and the means to purchase and supply the same-and fow our portion of flour etc. rec from Goliad and elsewhere- Permit us to again suggest-nay urge, the propriety-the necessity of some movement, which will bring us nearer together, and shut in the enemy, and either starve them out, whip them out, or dishearten and beat them in small parties, in all of which, our two parties may agree on an hour and cooperate with each other, and never fail of success etc James Bowie J W Fannin Jr [Addressed: l Genl. S. F. Austin on Salado, Near Bexar. pr _Russell and ~aylor
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