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the first place as he lives and conducts his operations, what ever they may be without the limits of the Department from which I have derived all my powers I should be reluctant. lo stretch my authority so far as to reach him. Besides altho the statements in regard to his imputed conduct, have no doubt come from the most respectable Sources yet perhaps they are not sufficiently clear and conclusive, to warrant a proceeding against him al the present moment so serious and responsible as an arrest. Even if l had the power I should be loth to exercise it as at present advised. Particularly as I am unable to think that the man, let his disaffection be what it may, can in opposition to the universal sentiment prevailing through the whole country in favor of our proceedings do any essential harm to the cause. You will of course see that his conduct is narrowly watched and I can only say in the event that sufficient proof [or J his guilt can be procured, that I wilJ not scruple a moment lo go any length in my power to have him immediately arrested and properly disposed of. [S. F. Austin l
Federal Army of Texas. Headquarters, Camp Salado, October 24, L835. You are fully authorized lo contract with the inhabitants or owners of ranches for one hundred fanegas I about two hundred and sixty-seven bushels] of corn and Len of beans or peas for this army, al the current price, delivered in the encampment of the army, with the understanding· that payment will he made in money, or that bills of excharige on [New I Orleans will be given, and that in addition lo the public faith of the people of the departments of Brazos and Nacogdoches the principal capitalists of Texas, who are now in this army, are pledged for the faithful and due payment of the value of the corn and of all else that is
bought from the inhabitants. To Senor D. Juan N. Sebruin. By order. Warren D. f.. Hall A<lj. Gen.
S. F. Austin.
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