Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2


Head Quarters Camp Salado Octr. 24th 1835

To the Council of Safety S. Felipe Gentlemen

On this day I have commenced _the investment of San Antonio and feel sanguine in my expectations of reducing the place within a few days if the expected reinforcements arrive but not other wise. You will therefore immediately perceive the urgent necessity there is for hurrying out Volunteers, who ought to come on with all possible speed without waiting or delaying for any cause whatever. Evry day since we have been here there has been more or less skirmishing between our advanced parties and those of the Enimy. In evry instance the enimy has retreated; upon several occasions with some damage. In a skirmish day before yesterday they one or two wounded, one mortally, and in one of this morn they had some 4 or 5 killed and many wounded. lt is ascertained beyond doubt that the Inhabitants about here and Sant Antonio are favourable to our cause- Juan Seguin with a fcw men came to camp 2 days ago to offer their services and I have appointed him a Capt. to raise a company of Mexican Volunteers who are to join the Army as soon as possible. The great object of this communication is to urge the necessity of the Volunteers coming on as fast as possible without delaying or waiting for any thing. Should the troops from Nachogdoches meet this express they will send a runner ahead to inform me when they will get up. Signed S. F. Austin [961] [AUSTIN to COUNCIL]


Head Quarters, Camp Salado, Oct. 24, 1835


To the Council of Safety etc S. Felipe,

1 recd. on yesterday your private Communication of 16th inst. I confess l feel great delicacy in taking any measure in regard to the suspected, it may be guilty individual referred to (J AW). In


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