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He urges also the immediate despatch of the large Cannon if mounted, if they are not, he recommends, that they be mounted if practicable with as Jillie delay as possible. The Artillery sent is loo small to beat down walls. With the Cannon must be sent both powder and balls. We have prevailed on Mr. Smith to go down to forward these things, but he is a stranger, and we must ask your aid, as it is all important lo Texas lo use despatch. Mr. Smith has Doctor Archer's order for the arms &c. please fail nol lo act with alJ possible despatch, press waggons, Horses, or any thing lo further the good Cause. Yours respectfully Copy of the order sent to McKenny, Ed Andrews, R i\1ill, & Col. Knight & Josiah Bell Oct 24 1835 (959] (AUSTIN lo BOWlE AND FANNIN]
Head Quarters Camp Salado Oct 24, /35
To James Ilowie Esq. and Capt. Fannin Cent.,
I received yours of this evening by Col. Hall who arrived since dark I have ordered a reinforcement of fifty men to joint you lo night and the men are now out trying to get up their horses. But it is uncertain whether they will all succeed; as many of the number however as can get ready will set off as soon as possible lo night. I am sorry to inform you that it is impossible to raise here the ready money you want to purchase supplies. I send you however the joint obligation of myself and many others which I have no doubt will he received by the mayor domo of the Missions, in the room of money in hand. You giving him a certificate or receipt for every thing you get. In the event this arrangement will not satisfy him there is no resource left but to follow the Law of necessity, and lake what you want, taking care however lo present an exact account of every thing which you will present ol the Adjl. as a Voucher which he may hereafter use. n d SF Austin y or er Warren D C Hall Adjt Genl.
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