Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2


San Felipe de Austin Oct 23rd 1835 To All lo Whom il may Concirn this will Make Known that the Genl councel of Texas from the solicitation of Genl S. F. Austin commander in chief and from its having heen satisfactorily Proven to the councel that Capt. Manuel Savarigo is a man of Liberal and Republican Principles which appears in Evidence before the councel hy information Recivcd of his former Acts as well as by his own declaration left on file in this office- Therefore il was Resolved that the said Capt. Savarigo have liberty lo depart unmolested and that he be treated with civility by all officers engaged in the common cause of the people of Texas and the principles of the constitution of Eighteen hondred and twenty four for which we declair

I ii ii

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Signed R.R. Royall President


A. Houston Sect.

(958] [------ to McKENNEY ET AL]

San Felipe 23d October 1835


We have just received, by Doctor Hoxey who left the Army on the 19th, a communication from General Austin Calling for forced marches of the Volunteers, and stating that the Enemy was strongly fortified, a cannon being placed on the Church, and the streets barricaded. By another leller elated the 20th and brought in by an express, we learn, that Our Army was encamped on the Salado five miles from Bexar, that the Enemy's advance had fallen back upon the town, that our lroops had taken a strong position, and would await the arrival of reinforcements and supplies. Among the articles called for by General Austin are the following- 300 Blankets 300 prs Strong shoes l Bale of heavy Lowell Collon-20 pieces

500 Soap in Boxes 250 good tobacco 2 Flax thread 100 Nos I & 2 neerllcs.


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