Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

[951] [AUSTIN lo SEGUIN]

Head Quarters Camp Salado, Oct. 23, '35 The trusty palriot D. Juan Seguin is appointed captain in the federal army of Texas, and as such is fully authorized to raise a company of palriols lo operate against the centralists and military in defence of Lhe conslilution of 1824 and the federal system. S. F. Austin By order Warren D. C. Hall Adj. Gen. [952] [BAKER AND JOHNSON to CHAIRMAN] · Sir: On yesterday evening we returned from Nacogdoches, to which place we went about three weeks since, carrying, al the request of Colonel Austin, information of the landing of General Cos, with instructions to solicit aid from that section of the country for the pur.pose of expelling him from Texas. Much division, on our arrival, we found to exist among the people; but the letters of Colonel Austin, and the actual invasion of the country, had the happy effect of producing unanimity of sentiment and instant unison of action. And the ardor and enthusiasm which pervaded every one when we left does credit to that section, and is a guarantee to this that in the hour of danger we will by them be supported. About eighty men immediately prepared, and started to join the army at San Antonio, and we 1:>resume by this have arrived at headquarters. About eighty men are now on the road, and crossed the Brazos at Washinglon, probably on yesterday evening. This taller company are entirely from the jurisdiction _ _<?_!_ ~an __Aug11stir1e, un_der the command of Colonel Sublet. Although that Sliclion of the country can probably raise one -thousand men, the di fficully of procuring horses, arms, and the necessary P-quipmcnts is so great that it is not to be cxpeclecl that they will send a large force al once. Under all the circumstances we San Felipe, October 23, 1835. To The Chairman of the General Council of Texas.


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