Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

The enemy acknowledge the loss of one man shot in the eye and an officer wounded. The missions are all in our possession, and the communciation with Goliad cul off. The Inhabitants generally are favorable lo our cause and from present appearances, there is evry probability of reducing the plact: within 7 or 8 days. I informed you by express that left today that D. Juan Seguin had been here and that I had appointed him Capt: of a Company of Volunteer Mexicans lo be raised· by himself. Under all these circurstances I repeat my conviction that you need have no apprehension from this quarter. I nevertheless recommend and order the continuance of your exertions and Vigilance with the force under your command to place the fortress you hold in the best state of defense, that is possible and I positively order that no man shaIJ leave his post, under you, without your permission under the penalty of being reported and published as a Deserter. P S Oct 24. This morning within a mile of this place, a skirmish took place, between an advanced party of ours and one of the enemy which resulted in their retTeat with a loss it is supposed of 8 or 10 Killed and some wounded, no loss on our side.

SF. Austin

(950] [AUSTIN to DIMITT]

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Head Quarters Camp Salado Octr 23, 1835

To Captn. Dimit

Commandant of Goliad,

D Juan Seguin is appointed to raise a Company of volunteers of native Mexicans in defence of the Constitution and Federal System. He will need arms and amunition-you will furnish him with what he calls for of both so far as the stock on hand will permit.

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S F Austin etc

By order Warren D C Hall Adjt Genl.

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