was ordered to he pened up-The men with whom we have conversed-are decidedly of the opinion, that in five _days, they can be starved out.- We propose to explore above this early tomorrow-and will occupy the nearest point to Town-bearing in mind the necessity of holding this place, and keeping up a communication with you We would respectfully suggest the propriety of the main army to take a position above Town, and cut off all provisions from above, and we will attend to it below This will alarm and intimidate the enemy, and inspire our friends with renewed confidence, and will affect our object at once- Should the re-inforcements arrive, and you can well spare them,fifty men will be acceptable, and we will then be entirely able to take and hold any position, you may please to designate- Owing to the late hour of our arrival, we have not examined the missions above, but have had it done by our Pilot, who reports only five soldiers at St Jose, and none at St Juan-We learn that no public stores are collected at either place-The Bean crops are entirely distroyed-There is corn in abundance, but the principal owners are in Town, and Couriers will be dispatched early for them, to make contracts with [them] for the army. There is corn here, but owned by men who Rent the Land, and will sell for cash only, and only in small quantities They have rec no reenforcements lately-and no news from Capt Baragan-they have removed nearly all the horses to Lorado on the Rio Grande-and keep up at night those they have (from 2 to 300) and graze them near Town in the day-1'heir whole force does not reach 600, according to the report of a respectable gentleman, who escaped, with his family, from Town this morning, and now with us Early in the morning a Courier will be dispatched to Segines Ranch, where Juan is, but the old man is in Town-Gen!. Cos has threatened to make Seguine [Seguin l and others of the most respectable citizens to sweep the public square, and in case he whiped us, to make their Ladies, grind tortias for his soldiers- Should you concur ,vith us, and determine to occupy the position above, inform us of it, that we may co-operate with you, and wind up the job speedily James Bowie J. W. Fannin Jr. P.S. Fow to us our portion of the supplies, as we have
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