Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

this plan·. You will givt> inslruclions lo lhe persons char)!:ecl wilh the cluly of lra11porli11g them lo followlhe Bejar road, up as far as thl~ Salado. Bui a guard will be dispatched from here which will probably med lhcm al a point much lower down lo give them suilaLlc proleclion. Care shall be taken lo have lhe guard far enough on the way in lime. Tiley wiil of course come on till they meet lhc guard. By order S F. Austin Warren DC Hall Adj. Cent P. S. I had omilled the article of sail. Send a good supply of lhal as !here is not now enough in Camp to lasl for 3 clays.


Thursday night 12 oclk. Mission of Espada 22d. octr 1835

Cenl Austin

At half after 4 oclk p. M we took possession of this Mission, with out any resistance-A guard of five men, escaped us by only a few minutes-We find the Citizens well disposed and quite communicative A large number of the citizens of Bexar and of this place, are now laying out, to prevent being forced to perform the most servile duties-We can place the most implicit confidence in aJl the information read from Bexar which is up to 5 oclk p.m. Great consternation was manifested there when our approach to this point was made known-The fortifications arc nearly or quite such as before made known to you, with this addition, the lops of the Houses at the entrance of the Streets, are f orifled, with UNBURNT Brick, with Port holes, for their Infantry- They have 8 pieces (4 lb) mounted-and one of larger size preparing for us. They have none on the Church-but have removed· all their ammunition lo it, and enclosed it by a wall, made of wood, six feet apart and six feel high, filled in wilh dirt, extending from the corners to the ditch, say sixty yards in length- We arc informed that they have not got in corn or other provisions, and we find it all growing, or rather, yet in the fields: and arc informc<l that it is the Case above Town. When our approach-was ascertained the alarm was grcal, and 14 Beef Callie

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