lo Head Q11arkrs that measures may be taken lo meet the contingency. Respectfully By order Warren DC Hall Adjt. Gcnl SF Austin Postscript of 23d lo lcUer to Captn. Demil daled Octr 22 Oclr 23 Your Communications of 19 and 20th. have been received and contents duly noted. The operations against Bejar will prevent the enemy from making any attack on Goliad, and the fall of Bejar will close the Campaign. Capln. Alleys Company has principally joined Lhe army and I understand from the report of those who have arrived that others will join today, so that it will be impossible to order that Company back lo Goliad. You will therefore retain the force you have at that place and keep possession. Some more men can be drawn from the Colorado and Bay Prairie in case of emergency. I have given authority to D Juan Seguin to contract for pack mules lo bring up salt, Flour etc. from Goliad. He will write to you on the subject. Send two packs of salt. I have appointed Juan Seguin a Captn. of the Federal Army and he will raise a Company of Mexicans. Inform your men, of this that he may be respected as such and as a devoted friend of the Conslitulion. SF. Austin
Head Quarters Camp Salado
To the Commandant al Goliad,
Octr 22, 1835 You will with as little delay as possible despatch to this point one hundred barrels of flour six boxes of sugar-six sacks of Coffee-2 barrels of wine and one of Rum or brandy and seven kegs of powder, and 300 lbs. tobacco, and for this purpose you will Contract for Carls waggons oxen mules horses or what.ever else may be necessary lo transport the aforerncnlionecl articles to
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