Ought, orca11, orwill the people of Texas submit to all this? Let each man study the :-ulij«~ct, and answer for himself. If he will not submit, let him ~o lo the military power and prostrate himself. lf he will not submit, let him give his answer from the mouth of hii: rifle! ln regard lo the present movements of the military, the letter from Gonzales, and extracts from other letters of unqueslio11alile faith, will inform the public. By these letters the people of Texas arc informed that their fellow-citizens al Gonzales have been attacked-the was has commenced! They will also perceive that general Cos has arrived with reinforcement of troops, and is preparing for a campaign of extermination against the people of Texas. The head quarters of the Army of the People for the present is al Gonzales. It is already respeclalile in numbers, and invincible in spirit. This Commillce exhorts every citizen who is yet at home, to march as soon as possible lo the assistance of his countrymen now in the field. The campaign is opened. Texas must be freed from military despots before il is closed. S. F. Austin
Chairman of the Committee of the Jurisdiction of Autin.
San Felipe de Austin. October 3, 1835.
[731] [AUSTIN to KERR]
San Felipe Oct. 3. 1835 I have this moment recd. your lellcrs elated lsl instant- The communications which were taken yesterday by Mr Lightfoot, and today by Mr Perkins, will have informed you fully of the attack made on Gonzales, and that volunliers from every part of this country have marched and arc marching lo that point, which is al present the general rend1:-.lvous of the army of the people- Expresses have been sent lo Trinity and lo Na1:ogdoches, and a large force is cxpeclt~d from that q11art1·r-
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