Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

defending where the Caballado is and all other information of an interesting or important nature. Also endeavour to procure a number of cart loads of corn and beans to be brought here without delay. It is important to keep possession of one of the missions as it will secure supplies of provisions and also protect the La Bahia road. You and Capt. Fannin will however use your discretion 2s lo retaining possession al this time. Send down to the Ranches and gather what information you can By order W DC Hall Adjt. lnsptr. Gen! S. F. Austin

(943) [AUSTIN to Dll\'IITT]

Head Quarters Camp Salado 22d Octr, 1835

To Capt. P Dimit Dr Sir

I recd yours of 17th Inst last night. I am much pleased with your exertions to send us on supplies of which we are greatly in want. The flour etc you dispatched has not yet arrived, being stopped al the Cevolo by the difficulty of crossing; but it will soon be brought up by mules that have been sent down this morning. You will receive an order by this express to send us on still larger supplies, which I beg you will use every exertion in your power to execute for I assure you the men here are beginning to suffer greatly for the want of bread etc etc I approve of your suggestion in regard lo keeping possession of the Fort at Goliad, and you will receive this as an order to that effect. I have evry confidence in the patience 'of the volunteers in remaining under you command; lo retain the important advantage already gained by the taking La Bahia. In_evry point of view the retention of that place is necessary lo us an[d] I trust it will be maintained by the joint efforts of yourself and those under your command. If you receive further information of an authentic character in regard to the landing of troops at Copeno-despatch an express immediately


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