mo11ey as we arc tol<l Money has been proposed liy men in that Quarter we wiU make a Simular appointment here pledging the pulilic Faith and Revenue of our Purls as security. I am not certain that we can do much here something has been talked of Loaning hut whether they Really will or not is uncertain on tomorrow we wiU make an experiment.. Majr Sam I Whiling offered me SI000 it will be weU for you to receipt for il and forward it to this Place as I am confi<lcnl we will need it in a few days as yet all calls have been Punchwlly. met. Govnr Zavala is of opinion that we should proceed lo make appoinlmcnts and collect duties according lo U. States tariff the Council fcals the nccc:.:sity approaching, but fears the responsibility of such a proccedure as the People of our country have been looking forward to the acts of the Convention and would not likely recognise the Council in such acts of Responsibility of this particularly the council requests to be i11slrncted by the members in camp provided they cannot return shortly to make a silting of the convention. Something will have to he done shortly to make a silting of the convention. Something will have to be done shortly to replenish our finances If San Antonio holds out and as money is the spring of every thing it wiU be by no means amiss to have a surplus on hand, It. will Give confidence. The members in camp can suggest other plans perhapsc, we are but a few and would like lo hear of their views and will do every thing to forward our comon Cause. It is also in conlcmplalion to Pass a resolution requiring all clues for Lands to the State to be paid in to Persons appointed by the Ayunlomienlocs of each Municipality and put a Note in the Paper r~quiring alJ persons of Austin to make payment to Gail Borde!!j!}!.: how far this may meet the necessities or whether in · firn·e you [know best?] Our committee is now in silting on the suLjecl of mails I believethey will report in favor of two routs being established Immediately one to the Red Lands and to the Sabine the other to Liberty I have thought this essential as it has only been for want of Information that troops have not been from the Eastward some time ago and at this juncture il is more Important as all is on the tiptoe of Expectation. There is great Delicacy manifested in Laking steps of Legislation far as we do but we fear very much the convention cannot meet as soon as proposed ancl If so it will be Indispensable for the members in camp Lo Give us their approbation and recommend further assumption of responsibilities. R. R. Royall President couneil [ Addressed: I Genl. S. F. Austin Commander i11 Chief Head Quarters Near Bexar-By ths Barnell Esqr-
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