Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

received than required-and that from the upper Country a population may be entered among you, that will be of lillle use afterwards-however the Crisis is alarming and for the sake of health we must lake the Bitter with the Sweet- It is with feelings of indescribable emotion, that aH here, wait with intense anxiety for news from your Quarter-What have the division that went after Coss done? Where is Col. Austin? Have they declared a provisional Govt adhering to the Constitution of 1824?'??- Upon this last- "hangs all the Law and the Prophets" Coss MUST he checked- The state of Zacatecas and more than one half the people of the Mexican Republic-only await one con- quering cry to flash out, to rally with redoubled energy-then the Fate of the Tyrant is inevitable-and your country I hope, placed upon a different and more permanent basis of True Liberty than it has ever yet enjoyed-then how Glorious for Texas-what a spectacle for the world lo behold- as for myself my dear sir-I have the same opinions now I expressed to you here-a thousand times a day I am asked are you going?- When do you go?- my answer is this I await further intelligence from Texas- 1 wait to hear of the formation of a Prov Gov-and if that body require me-I am in a moment ready-mean time 1 can do some good lo the great cause here-but sir if that Gov should appoint me, I will instantly obey the call- above all things, keep the Committee here (whose names are inclosed) in constant information of all your movements, even by express if necessary-I will keep you constantly informed by every opp of what is going on in this Quarter-do you the same by us relative to yours-in a moment like this- I have but little time to write, the Divisions sail as soon as this teller is closed-therefore no more-but-Victory and Liberty for Ever Jas Ramage Col. Stephen Austin Texas N. B. I had forgot lo mention You will see in the inclosed paper that Gen Mehia, a man named Fisher and others were at the meeting-we have our doubts- These expeditions arc solely, purely, simply American in all their parts-

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