Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

relieved from Lhc f1.1 ture discharge of the du ties of Lhe chair, and Colonel Wm. 0. Dunn, appoinled lo preside in future over the dcliberalions of Lhe commillee - and On molion, S. V. V. Schuyler was appointed Treasurer, and Joseph C. Megginson, Secrelary. On molion - Resolved, Thal a committee to consist of eight members of the General Commiltee, be appointed lo discharge the active and executive duties with which they are charged, subject to the supervision of the general commiltee, and four of whom shall conslilule a quorum to do business. In pursuance of this resolution, Lhe Chair appointed the following gentlemen, Or. R. Le Fearn, John R. Reid, S. V. V. Schuyler, David While, Jos. C. Megginson, J. Wood, C. Lewis and A. B. Cammack. On motion - Resolved, Thal the Executive Com millec be instructed lo call another meeting of the citizens of Mobile, al such time and place as they may deem most expedient. J. D. Fuller, Chairman. S. V. V. Schuyler, Secretary. Immediately after the adjournment of the General Com- mittee, the Executive Commiltee assembled; Dr. Lee Fearn in the chair, and Chas. Lewis Sec'y. On motion - Resolved, That the c1llzens of Mobile be requested lo re-assemble at the Court House on Monday evening next al 7 o'clock, for the purpose of making still further efforts in behalf of the people of Texas. Resolved, That each member of this Committee keep subscription list for money and volunters, and that others be left at the office of the Register and Patriot. Resolved, that the proceedings of the General and Executive Committee be published in the papers of this city. R. Lee Fearn, Ch'n. Chas. Lewis, Sec'y. [Oct. 21, 1835]


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