in a flag lo Coas who refused lo have any communication wilh him as a military man In a civil capacity however he declared his willingness to receive or correspond with him, and informed Austin that if he sent another flag, he would fire on it. This makes it a war of Extermination on tlie parl of Lhe Enimcy. Shall we sleep or shall we awake aml acl like men? Fellow citizens we have either lo fight for our homes or fly and leave them. Let us then occupy the frontier throw ourselves between the enemy and our domestic alters Let us prove lo the enimy that we are nol unworthy decendants of Washington that we are of the land macle memorable hy the love of liberty & that patriotism looks on Dainger with comtemp when its home is invaded or insulted
P Dimill Comdt.
Fort Goliad 8 P. M. oclock Oct 21 1835
[933) [FANNIN to JONES]
[James W. Fannin, near Bexar, to Auguslu~ H. Jones, Goliad, October 21, 1835, requesting supplies.]
[Fernandez Izaguirre, Ciudad Victoria, lo Ayuntamiento, Jimenez, October 21, 1835, as Governor of Tamaulipas, giving information about the rebellion in Texas, and orders concerning the mobilization of the militia for the defense of Matamoros.]
The committee of twenty who were appointed on Tuesday last by the Texas meeting, assembled on Wednesday (21st inst.) Isaiah D. Fuller in the chair. On motion, S. V. V. Schuyler was appointed Secretary. On motion, and al the request of the Chairman, he was
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