Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

three days Coss whole force in Texas includeing those now approaching from the Sottlh is said lo be 1700 men. We can only muster 50 men strong al this post. Our men have been on incessant faticguc from the hour we entered this fort to the present, moment, in mounting guard repairing arms making cartridges pulling the works in a defensible condition mounting artillery patrolling scouring the country & pulling a small detachment in motion lo give confidence around us If attacked by the force which we are now threatened aided by heavey artillery as we have reason lo believe it will it will f sic J be to open breaches in the walls of the fort, less than 200, men can harclley hope lo make a suecussful defence Let all thcirfore who love their country all who value their homes now rally & unite let them repair lo the post of daingcr. A Spy has been this moment brought in by Luil. Collinsworth, in whose possession letters are found, lo citizens residing here one is dated the 19 al Bejar· which says a reinforcement, of 500 men will move tomorrow. Cos will then make a desperate effort lo retake Goliad. Private, families are urged lo remove Shall this post be given up for the want of a few men and the Key lo all Supplies of the central army surrended into their hands of its commanders? It is confidently hoped their is to much Patriotism still alive, in the bosoms of our brave country men, lo permit il. In anticipation, of their arrival Suffi [sic] Supplies of Flour, Sugar Coffee &c Will he sent lo Guadalupe Victoria tomorrow ammunition will also be forwarded all however should bring as much as possible For all we have and all we can obtain may yet be needed On thing, however, should be clearly understood, all should come prepared lo slay till the campaign is closed, or till they are honorablcy discharged, all assocsialions for the moment onley arc dangerous lo the cause we espouse 1f all who can will come a few days will sellle the question not a moment ought a day an hour 50 nay 30 men may turn the scale and save the country. The commillcc al Matagorda are earnestly desired lo forward the Six pounders their lo Victoria in the least possible time furnished with all the round and canister shot they can supply together with an ample supply of cannon powder. Information has just been receive cl that Gen! Aust in, sent \



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