Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

oportunas pa. remcdiar unos males de lanto trasceudencia. Dios y Libcrtad Bejar Octubre 21. de 1835.

Martin Perfecto de Cos.

Exmo. Sr. Minislro de la Guerra y Marina.

Mejico. I In margin:] Acompana el corte de caja hecho pr. la Aduana de Matamoros, y hace presente no ha tenido su cumplimto. la Supna. Orn. lo. de Agosto sobre qe. no se satisfacieson libramtos. hta. estas cubiertos los haberes de las tropas. Dbr. lo. de 835. Que el Supmo. Glmo. tiene aprobado el que no se pague ningun Libramiento girando contra aquella Comisaria.

[931) [DIMITT to AUSTIN j

Fort Goliad Oct. 21st 1835

To Gen. S. F. Austin Sir,

This is dispatched to give you intelligence of the intended

movements of the Enemy.

By information recd. from a Mexican early this morning, who says he is only two days from Bexar, we are informed that Cos is fortifying rapidly-that 500 men were to arrive there today from the interior; and that, as soon as they should arrive, he intended sending a strong force here, to retake this post. I inclose you intercepted tellers on the same subject. They speak for themselves. Our effective force is rstill 50 men. By the express which left here yesterday morning for-"f-Ieaif Qimrlers, I wrote lo Capt. Alley, urging the necessity of his joining me with his command, as speedily as possible; but 30 odd hours have elapsed, and no answer, nor have I any reason to expect one or lo see him, unless he is ordered to return by the Gen. We have clone all we could in the way of repairing arms, and are still doing. About 50 pikes and bayonets are handled. All the breaches in the outer wall are repaired, and the bastions will be done tomorrow. Some of the men are sick-but all are irt good spirits. But 50 men, against an army, in so large a field as this, leaves too many blanks, too many points unprotected; in case of an attack by a


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