I am the eldcsl son of John W. Walker deceased - formerly a senator from Lhis slale & who is still held in affeclionale remembrance hy many of the residents of Alabama on accounl of the many services he re11dercd il whe11 first admiltcd inlo the U11ion. ilaving understood thal you knew him personally, I concluded .that l should have some claims lo your notice as Lhe son of an old frie11d. This must he my apolog)' for addressing you perfect stran!!er as I am. An early answer Lo this would much oLliae . e Yours & very Resptly. Percy WaIker [929] [CARLETON to FORSYTH] New Orleans, October 21, 1835 Sir: have the honor herewith to forward to you several of the newspapers of this city, from which Lhe President will be fuUy apprizcd of the nalure of the excitement fell here at the present situation of Texas, and the part which some of our citizens seem disposed lo take in the stTuggle about to arise between that Province and the parent State. There can be no doubt thal certain persons inlend to proceed thither, to act in concert with the Texans, should an occasion present itself. Yet, when the matter is more narrowly investigated, it is difficult to apply to them the· provisions ·of the second or sixth sections of the act of the 20th April, l 818; for it does not appear that any regular enlisting or entering as soldiers has taken place within the meaning of the statute, or that any definite or tangible military expedition or enterprise has been set on foot or begun. I have just had an interview upon this subject with the Mexican consul, to whom I expressed a willingness lo prosecute, under that law, for any offence commiUecl againsl his Government, whenever himself or any one else would indicate the testimony upon which proceedings could be properly based. He seemed lo think his agency would be unavailing, and said he could do nothing more than communicate the facts, as they occurred, lo the officers of his Government.
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I have the honor to be, Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Henry Carleton
Hon. John Forsyth, Secretary of Stale, Washington City
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