11 I, 1 • I i
the neighbourhood of San Palricio; I-le slalcs lhal lhc cannon lhere had been removed to lhe garrison of Le Panticlan, and that lhc troops there, were forlifying <lay an<l nighl. A courier had arrived there, who gave informalion of the near approach of 200 Cavalry from Aquaverda and Loredo, lo lhc garrison on lhc Nueces; and that lhcre also from 2 to 300 more on the march from Malamoros to the Nueces; intended for the rccapl11rc of lhis post. This information comes lhrough an express scnl lo the coml. of the Loredo troops; who accidentally passed lhem, and reached the Nueces without seeing lhcm. Col. Powers further stales that, Cos complains in a teller to the Com'g officer at Le Panticlan, lhal his whole force, including tho~ on the way, is only 1700. This Garrison has a Piquet of 15 or 20 men~ 6 Leagues lhis side Sn Palricio; and one, about the same dislance the other side, for forwarding expresses. From all this, you can easily judge whether this place ought to be evacuated, and whether 50 men can make a successf 111 defence.
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P. Dimill Comd
(Addressed:] To Gen. Slephen F. Austin Com. in Ch. of the Army of the People Head Quarters (926] (COLLINS to AUSTIN]
New Orleans Oclr. 20th 1835
Colonl. S. F. Austin
Dear sir, the [illegible] of this Mr. Roberl C. Morris is my friend and 1 take the liberty of introducing the gentleman to you as such- this 1 know would be enough but 1 deem it hoping to inform you that my friend Morris has been a follow soldier wilh ntt' for 5 or 6 years in the Louisiana Guards, (which I illegible I you probably recolect. and that J can recommend him Even as a Soldier & Tactician. l need not tell you he is a volunteer and of the fct'ling he possesses for his Countrymen alone, but that I wish to assun~ you that any Confidence can be placed in him, he is I illl'gihk I for anything in a Soldiers line & I pledge myself he will at·tp1it himt-elf with honour & credil. Should he fall sick or bt~ woundt'd tlu for him
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