Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

[925) [Dli\lITT to AUSTIN]

7 in the morning, October 20th 1835

Gen S. F. Austin, Sir

Since sealing my official of last evening and 5 o.c. this morning, a De-serler from Bexar has been introduced to my quarters who says he lives in Monterey-that, he deserted 8 days ago, intending·to return home-that, after leaving Bexar, he heard of the fall of Goliad, and turned his course for this place. He slates, that, all the Bexar Troopes will join the Americans, as soon as they present themselves; that, the officers and infantry want a fight, but that the cavalry do not-that, when the men were sent to Gonzales after the Cannon, they were paid only $3 ea. and drew only a little corn. He says there are 300 infantry and 400 cavalry there-one half of them former co11victs-that, Gen Cos was making no preparation whatever, for defence, in the way of fortifying-that, there were 2 pieces of cannon on the western side of Town, near the Church; and 2 in the Alimo. In the Town, his patrol is strong, especially at night, both in cavalry, and infantry- that he keeps 60 sentinels out during the night; besides four cavalry scouts, of 20 men each; that, there is great discontent among the inhabitants, who will almost unanimously join the Colonists, as soon as they enter the place; that, Ugartechea and Candela, are the only Officers, remarkable for their antipathy against us- and these, do every thing in their power to stimulate the men to defend the place to the last extremity. .Mr. Bracken, arrived here last evening from Zacatacas; who left there a shorl time since; he says, that, a few days before he left that City, all the troops except 400, had been marched to Guadalajara, to oppose Alvarez, who had won two important victories over Santanna's troops. That 4 Generals, amongst whom arc, Montenegro and Guzman, had joined Alvarez and that he was daily acquiring strength; and further, Lhat the troops at Saltillo and San Louis, destined for Texas, had been ordered back after having taken up Lhe line of march. 9. o. c. same day-Col. Powers this moment arrived from

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