Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

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[917] [NIXON to AUSTIN and 1-lOUSTONJ

Nacogdoches October 20 1835

Dear Freaind

yesterday Sey~nty. and upward of wall mounted man and all wall armed under the Comand of Capt Sublet, and more Expect from San Augutcn tomorrow on a waggon will Leve hear for Washington on Brazos River with 250 Pounds of Bast Powder and 1500 Pounds of Lead to Day the Maxacans all meele, By the Request of the Cheafe But thay Seeme Not lo under Stand the Busi ness, we may Expect to Be Strongley Saport from our freaind in the united States with men arms Powder Lead and money AU gos on wall hear and we are more than happy to Receave the Good Newes from Labadee that our frends had It in Posshean God Grant you a Speedy Poshean of San Antonio and the Canon and arms all Safely Lande in San Phillipia inclosed I Sand you a News Paper Jorge Anto Nixon, Sind. Col Austin Should this Get Safe to you plese Sand lt on to Gen Houston [Addressed:] Col. Stephen F. Austin and General Houston San Felipe or wherever they may be found- [918] lQUINTERO to COMMANDER] (Pedro Quintero, Matamoros, to Commander, Bexar, October 20, 1835, reporting military details of the Company of Tamaulipas.] [919] [ROYALL to AUSTIN]

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Nacogdoches 20 October 1835

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To the Committee of Vigalance and Safety. San Felipe Gentlemen,

We have received your communication of the 15th, intim- ating to us the highly gr.atifying intelligence of the Capture of La Bahia, the enthusiasm of the people on being made acquainted with the facts, was so great, that a general illumination immediately took place, and every demonstration of joy exhibited. We will dispatch

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