Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

Panticla11; and lhal they are compelled to work daily, in thal garrison. Through the same source, we have information also, thal about 100 of the public cabellarda are now on the Aroyo Blanco, five miles above the road; and that Moyo is active in furnishing supplies lo the enemy, I therefore dispatched, al 8 last evening, my first Licul. with 20 men, and two of my Council, Jas. Kerr and Ira Westover, lo seize the ho~es, Moyo, and his associates, and bring them lo the fort. In momentary expectation of a reply lo mine by Padillo, I have detained your express longer than I otherwise should, thal I might acknowledge the receipt of it; but il has not arrived, and I shall nol dispatch them. God and Liberty

Yours Respectfully, P. Dimitt

[Addressed:] To Gen. Stephen F. Austin Corn. in Ch. of the Army of the People Head Quarters (915] [KERR to AUSTIN]

[James Kerr, Lavaca, to Stephen F. Austin, San Felipe, October 20, 1835, discussing the prospective Consultation: "I Informed them thal lhe object of this, Consultation was to make a formal declaration in favor of the Constitution of 1824. This morning I sent Express (Confidentially) to Mr. J. J. Linn, Guadalupe-& expect lo hear some news hy tomorrow night. ... I had nol heard before your circular came that Genl Cos had landed at Copano, tho we had heen looking for him since the first of the mo.")

[916] [NAVARRO to COS)

(Angel Navarro, Bexar, to Martin Perfecto de Cos, Bexar, October 20, 1835, transmitting a list of persons offering to aid Cos "in defense of the country."]


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