Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2


other guarantee, no other reliance for the security uf their property and their families against a detachment of the enemy, now on the Nueces. than the known presence uf a respectable force at this place. Indeed, they informed me to clay, that, if we evacuate this post anJ take up the line uf march for Bexar, they must remove their families, with the least possible delay, beyond the La Vaca; and our most valuable friends here, informed me also, that they should be compelled in such case lo leave all · behind, and go with us. They say that they have no security but i11 our presence, till Bexar capitulates or falls. ..... Thus situated no alternative is presented. Both populations have every confidence in the good faith, prowess, and ability of the American volunteers lo cover and protect them- but they are greatly alarmed, nay, actually terrified, at the possibility of being abandoned lo the unsparing fury of the military of Mexico. By the express which brought your last, we learn that the troops from -the east, amounting lo 111~arly 400, are, now far advanced on the march, and that they will probably have joined you before the arrival of this communication. Relying on the correctness of this informalion, I cannot refrain from tendering my congratulations to you in particular, on the bright prospect of speedily closing the campaign in a manner, highly honourable lo the reputation of our countrymen. As lo the cantonemenl on the Nueces, were we effectually covered against any movement of the enemy at Bexar in this direction, we might immediately reduce that post, and silence every murmur, occasioned by the fears of many for their safety against a marauding detachment from that quarter. And until this post is reduced, it is useless for us to look lo the people here, or below on this river, for a manifestation of the confidence either in us, or themselves, necessary lo dissipate the alarm which now exists in every bosom. All, at present, is doubt and distrust: and so it will be, whilst one armed Mexican has the power lo insult them. 20th inst. 5 in the morning. Information has been recd. since wriLing the ahove, that two of our men, dispatched with letters from Linn and Others in Sn. Patricio, five days ago, are prisoners, and in irons, in Le


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