de la Republica, y admilir las Leguriclades de mi constantc respeto·. Dios y Libertad, Bejar Octe 19/835 Mtin. Perno de Cos E. E. Minislro de la Guerra y Marina f Endorsed: J Nov. 14/35. Que el Gobo. csta altamte salisfecho de SU decision y cncrgia aprobandoscle la repulsa qe. hiso a las propo• siciones de Austin. Que entrc tanto le Uegan los considerables rcfuersos q sc le rcmilcn y qc. scran tan imponcntes qc. dcjaran pa. siempre cscarmcntados a los pcrfidos colonos de Tcjas, sc manlenga a la clcfensiva no dudando que si (y lucgo quc llegue aunquc sea partc de los auxilios pcdidos al Gobierno) osasen atacarlo sostendra con tanta gloria como spre. la de las armas nacionales. Formese hoy indicc quc sirva de extracto de todas las providcncia q sc han tornado y remitasele al S. Cos agregandole qe con el fin de arreglar el Ejcrcito qe. ha de operar sre. Tcjas debe Uegar a esta Capital el E.S.P. dcntro de dos o trcs dias.
Fort of Goliad Oct. 19th. 1835 5 oclock P. M.
To Gen. S. F. Austin
Com. in ch. of the Army of the People,
Dear Sir,
Yours by express of the "16th. inst. 12. P. M." came to hand at 12 last night, and ils contents arc deliberately considered. By hand of Capt. Alley, who left here yesterday, I advised you fully of our actual situaliop, and can acid but little at the present moment, that can aid or enlighten your deliberations. I will, however, furnish a copy, (which you have enclosed,) of the pledge, given by the company occupying this post, to the people of Victoria and Goliad. It is conceived that this guarantee extends also, lo the inhabitants of the adjacent country; and particularly lo those of the Mission below, whose physical force, amounting to 24 men, have allached themselves lo Lhis company, and are now with us. In this situation, the people there, have no
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