Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

(903) [COS lo TORNEL I

E. S. El Administrador de la Aduna maritima de Matagorda Dn Juan Zenteno con fha. J 7. del aclual me avisa clcsde un rancho inmediato a Goliad, haver sido puesto en Livertad por los Colonos Sublevados que en su invasion a a9uella Villa le havian aprendido y conducido a Gonzales de donde regreso a virtue! de una protesta ridicula q. se le ecsijio. De todo se scrvira V.E. impomer por los documentos originates q. tengo el honor de acompanar. Dios y Livertad Bejar Oct 18./835 l\Hin. Pcrfecto de Cos E. Sr Ministro de la Guerra y Marina (904) [GARCIA lo ALCALDE) l Francisco Garcia lo Alcalde, Laredo, October 18, 1835, reporting thal the insurgent Texam; took Goliad on October 10.J (905) [ROYALL to AUSTIN]

San Felipe 18th October 1835 (Sunday)

Genl Austin Dear Sir

Some members have been aded to day to our Council by late Arrivals to the Consultation and some have obtained leave of absence. Our Present Members are about 16. . We have taken upon us in the present times (Pregnant as they are with Emergencies) some ResponsiLilities, agents from the upper settlements, have arrived and we have dispatched them with Commissions, and Instructions, to three Captains one to act as Ranger with ten men cast of Trinity one with 25 Lctween the Brazos and Trinity and one with 25 between the Colorado and Brazos offering $1,25 pr day to each Ranger till Otherwise Provided by the Consultation. We wiU dispatch lo N. and Ayish Bayou tomorrow a delegation to, the Chiefs of the Indians and the American settlers with Circulars Printed for their Information and signed by the whole House, in these we declare an opposition to the Great land speculation etc. tell them our true situation and urge


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