Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2

Rum whiskey wine etc, all are said lo be private property so we have had them removed inside of the Church and the Doors Baricaded for saiftey It is reported that the people of St Patricia have joined the Soldiers but is generally supposed that it was through necessity, they must of course be on the right side or they will belie their counlryme11, the people from Mission have sent us 25 men and are very zealous in the cause Mr Powers is here also every endeavour that can be made on my part shall be done I have only to request one thing do not throw away your shot use old Putnams order, 1-lopeing that God in his goodness may protect us John J. Linn


[R. R. Royall, San Felipe, lo the citizens of Bevil Settlement, October 17, 1835, staling that the Council would honor drafts for expenses and supplies drawn ·by any officer elected by their respective companies lo command.] [895] [WHITE to AUSTIN]

Goliad Octr 17 1835


agreeably to your order I reached this place yesterday about 3 P M-found much confusion-represented your wishes to the best of my ability which I think went far to harmonize all divisions-Col Smith has resignd his command consequently Capt Dimet took command of this place. I found it imposiblc to send you Bread, but have sent a supply of flour and in a few clays wiU follow up with as much Bread as can he bakcl-we have plenty of flour say 30 bbls 9 Bbs powder (good) we are repairing the Guns and making every preparation for an attact which is antisipatcd, owing as we conceive from the necesity of Coss retaking the supplies-which we think must be scarce in Baher I now have some unpleasant news to communicate. the negroes on Brazos made an attempt to rise. Majr Sutherland came on here for a few men to take back, he told me-John Davis returned from Brazoria bringing the news that near 100 had been taken up many whipd nearly lo death some huncr etc R. I-1. Williams had nearly Kilcl one of his.-Thc carancaw~


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